C-SALS project - Successful flight tests with automatic air sampler and other sensors on Camcopter

The C-SALS project, developing a versatile UAV-based reconnaissance system, is designed to aid relief forces (especially in disaster situations) by creating a 3D situational map essential for tactical planning and decision-making. The system employs a comprehensive sensor suite, including onboard gas sensors, a potent stand-off detector, deployable sampling devices, and a high-precision laser scanner mounted on a robust UAV (Schiebel Camcopter) suitable for policing and military missions. The key benefits include the capability to address scenarios involving both heavy and light gases and volatiles, the provision of a 3D environment model offering insights into potentially hazardous areas and facilitating flight manoeuvres, the ability to collect gas samples with minimal interference from downwash and hover effects, and meticulous measures to prevent potential contamination of valuable specialized equipment.

We are pleased to report that Vienna Scientific's advanced version of the AS-111 Automatic Sorbent Tube Air Sampler performed flawlessly during the training flights, collecting air samples of potentially harmful substances into sorbent tubes close to the suspected emission source. The sampler is mounted underneath the Camcopter during flight; future plans include a storage system for release/retrieval at the target site. High-quality gas analyses beyond those immediately available from the on-board sensors (e.g. CO2, CO, etc.) can then be performed in (mobile) laboratories. The C-SALS consortium is developing basic procedures and methods for UAV-based air sampling for police/government applications - however, VSI's air sampling systems (including the Whole Air Sampler AS-110) are ready for flexible and reliable use in all market segments addressing UAV-based air sampling for the detection, identification and quantification of gases and volatiles.
The C-SALS project and our sorbent tube sampler on the Camcopter was featured in an article in the daily newspaper "Die Presse" (Austria) on 26.11.2023, "Der unsichtbaren Gefahr auf der Spur" which can be translated as "On the trail of the invisible danger" https://www.diepresse.com/17857147/der-unsichtbaren-gefahr-auf-der-spur (full text only after login). Congratulations to the whole team for this recognition of the important project!
The project C-SALS is funded by the Austrian defence research programme FORTE of the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF).
For air sampling tasks using medium-sized aerial vehicles (UAV, drones), consider our established UAV-based whole air and sorbent tube sampling systems.
NEW: For a wide range of cost-effective and reliable instrumentation related to air/gas analyse, see e.g. Gas Analysers, Flow Monitors & Pumps, Pressure Sensors, and Gas Control Systems.